The LAX Dunes (also known as the Los Angeles/El Segundo Dunes) lie between the west end of the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and the Pacific Ocean. They are the largest remaining representation of coastal dune community in Southern California. The 302-acre dune site is owned and managed by Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) and provides habitat for over 900 species, some of which cannot be found anywhere else on Earth, including the beautiful and delicate federally endangered El Segundo blue butterfly, and other rare plant, animal, and insect species.
The Bay Foundation (TBF) has been supporting LAWA in restoration efforts at the LAX Dunes, as well as coordinating monthly Friends of the LAX Dunes (FOLD) volunteer events. FOLD is a partnership of community organizations, corporate sponsors, and dedicated individuals working to promote LAWA’s LAX Adopt-a-Dune program. The LAX Adopt-a-Dune Program provides an opportunity for volunteers to help care for and learn about their natural environment.
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